Greenprints kicks off tonight, then two days of green-building confab


Southface’s 2018 Greenprints Conference kicks off tonight with a 20th anniversary celebration at Midtown Atlanta’s Rhodes Hall, followed by two days of speakers and workshops on sustainable building and development at the Georgia State University Student Center downtown.

I’ll confess that I’m particularly looking forward to tonight’s event, where the Kendeda Building for Sustainable Innovative Design will be honored with a Fulcrum Award. Tuesday’s program highlights include:

  • A panel discussion on “Affordable Housing to Affordable Living”: “The reality of transportation, healthcare, food and utility costs can easily outweigh accessible rental rates. [The] session will examine the true cost of living and challenges to thriving in communities despite the mechanisms designed to prevent these challenges. Reimagine affordable housing models that allow families to contribute fully to local economies, build financial security and become part of a vibrant local neighborhood.”
  • A panel discussion on “The Evolution of Market Transformation”: “What does it take for businesses to lead market transformation and build a regenerative economy? The narrative has often focused on energy efficiency and resource use but leaders in the space have realized that the narrative must shift to cover a more holistic vision of a regenerative economy. … What does a regenerative corporation look like? How do new production models integrate “waste” elements as resource streams? How do businesses drive toward circular economics and position themselves for a vibrant future?”
  • A keynote by Integral Group CEO Kevin Hydes on “Finding New Inspiration For Reducing Carbon”: Find “new inspiration in tried and true methods like solar power, green roofs and composting, and leading-edge innovators creating the next generation of tools and techniques to generate resilience.”

A more technical “Hands-on Building Science” workshop on high performance HVAC & mechanical systems will be held Tuesday the Southface Sweet Center. And on Wednesday morning, at a four-hour “Design-Thinking Charrette,” participants will “tackle the idea of sustainable placemaking as a way to prevent gentrification and loss of community.” Plus, of course, there’s a trade show accompanying the event.

For more information on Greenprints and to register, click here.

PHOTO ABOVE: A panel on equity and sustainability at Grreenprints 2017. Photo by Ken Edelstein.