As the contractor prepares to fence in the construction site of the Kendeda Building for Innovative Sustainable Design, Lord Aeck Sargent’s Ramana Koti took a simple survey on the experience so far of fellow design team members.
He asked just two questions:
- Which one factor has worked the most in the project’s favor?
- What was the biggest challenge that needed to be overcome?
The answers offer up a nice peek at the end of the design phase of a large, complex Living Building Challenge project.

Koti, an architect and energy modeling professional, gets into more details on the survey over at the LAS blog. He’s been writing up a storm there and elsewhere on the Kendeda Building. Here’s a link to his recent Living Building Chronicle column: How to Design Sustainability into an Architectural Practice.
PHOTO ABOVE: Design team members brainstorm during a biophilic design workshop that was part of the Kendeda Building’s design process. Photo by Ken Edelstein.